As a wealth coach for women for over 30 years, I saw the need for an affordable, intimate, safe space where women can explore every aspect of money—

the practical, emotional, and spiritual.

Since I founded The Wealth Connection in 2018 I've helped hundreds of women achieve their financial goals!

Become a Member!

This is a supportive financial community for women. When we gather together, we lift each other higher—Personally & Financially.

WHY women love being a part of this community...

"I've learned so much and come so far from that girl who used say, “I’m not good with money”. You have empowered me and countless others to be GREAT with money and our lives. Thank you, Barbara, you are a gift and blessing to me and the world."

"By having a coach, I can go beyond where I can by myself, by sharing in this community and giving and getting feedback, cheering each other on and lending an ear, I can expand who I have known myself to be because conversations don’t only happen in our heads, but also with those around us."

The Wealth Connection gives YOU everything YOU need to reach YOUR financial goals.

Coaching, Community, Support, Education, Therapy, and Resources ALL In One Convenient Spot!

Twice Monthly Live Office Hours

Get coaching from me and feedback from fellow members. Share struggles and successes while being inspired by the collective strength of sisterhood.

(My regular coaching rate is $450 per hour—this is an extraordinary opportunity!)

Private Community

A safe loving space to receive (and give) support and accountability. You can ask questions, share feelings, process fears, and talk money, as a woman. NOT on Facebook, no-ads, truly private!

The Way to Wealth

I created this self-study guide as a very simple, structured approach to wealth building, breaking down the process into easy to understand, bite size pieces, giving you a starting point and a finish line, taking you through the 7 stages of wealth.

Monthly Guest Experts

Diverse experts share their knowledge, with plenty of time for Q&A. Examples: Financial Planners, Trauma Therapists, Insurance Specialists, EFT (tapping) Experts, Accountants, Real Estate Investors, Sales & Marketing Strategists, Holistic Investing, and Tarot Readings!

Wealth Building Tools & Resources

Access to my eBooks, TWC's archived recordings, and a wide variety of wealth building tools and resources I recommend and use.

Guided Meditations & Visualizations

Experience the psychological & spiritual side of money and go deeper into your financial journey, healing whatever is standing in your way.


  • Wealth Building 101: Investing Made Simple…Very, Very Simple
  • Rewire 101 
  • 5 Lessons to Becoming a High Earner

Brand-New Addition!

Course Conversations

Monthly gatherings dedicated to discussing A Course in Miracles and other sacred teachings. Diving deeper into Spirituality, you will discover how much power you have to create the life (and the wealth) you desire.

Barbara’s Book Club

Quarterly we dive into my books and other financial reads! Enjoy lively discussions and occasional guest appearances by authors!

Pop-Up Classes

Exclusive classes for TWC members on various topics with plenty of time for Q&A! Examples:  Overcoming Underearning, A Course in Miracles, and Setting Your Intentions.

Meet Erica Ballard, a Holistic Life Coach. See what she has to say about working with me and being a member of TWC!

Everyone's financial journey starts at a different place.

Whether you’re simply curious or ready to commit to a year of financial education, there’s a membership for you!

(Special 2 for 1)

Sign up today and get 2 months membership for the price of 1!

(Membership will auto-renew 60 days later at the regular $47/Month.)

Sign me up

(2 months free!)

Enjoy 12 months of membership for just $470/year— giving you 2 months free!


(Renew for the same, excellent discounted price each year!)

All memberships auto-renew and have ultimate flexibility to be changed or cancelled anytime. Review Purchase Agreement

Hi, I'm Barbara!

If you’re new to my work, I’m thrilled you’re here! It shows you’re seeking greater financial—and perhaps personal—growth. I’m Barbara Huson, formerly Barbara Stanny, and I’ve been empowering women financially for over four decades.

As the author of seven financial books for women, founder of The Wealth Connection, and my experience as a long-time financial therapist and wealth coach, I’m on a mission to help women build their wealth and assert their power!

My training as a psychotherapist, along with my certification in trauma treatment, and decades of experience as a business owner, gives me the knowledge and authority to help you take charge of your money—and your life.

I believe that building wealth is about far more than just learning the financial facts or picking the right investments. For most women, building wealth is a spiritual practice, a healing journey, and a rite of passage into their power.

Working with me in The Wealth Connection (and in private sessions) involves a groundbreaking process that has proven to quickly reduce overwhelm and fear while significantly increasing your confidence to build wealth.

90% of women manage the financial decisions for their households.

67% of women don't feel confident in their ability to make investment decisions.

58% of women don't feel confident in their ability to save for the long term, including retirement.

46% of women use the word “Stress” to describe their emotions surrounding money.

Let's build your confidence and reduce your stress by surrounding you with massive support.

WHY women thrive with support

Without support:

  • Are unsure where to start.
  • Have difficulty staying on track.
  • Wonder if success is even possible.
  • Struggle with fear and anxiety.
  • Worry they're the only one with this problem.
  • Are scared it's too late.
  • Feel overwhelmed.

When women support women:

  • Their confidence, collective intelligence and sense of belonging increases.
  • They overcome challenges and obstacles faster.
  • They experience higher levels of success and satisfaction.
  • Their anxiety, stress, sense of isolation and low self-worth decreases.
  • They become mentally stronger and accomplish more.

WHY The Wealth Connection works...

I'll take you through my unique 4 Prong Wealth Building Process for women:

  • The Outer Work, understanding the practical steps of financial success and wealth building.
  • The Inner Work, exploring your psychological attitudes, decisions and beliefs that may be holding you back.
  • The Higher Work, using money to make a difference, to do what you’re put on this planet to do.
  • The Deeper Work, training your mind to rewire your brain for Wealth + Well-Being.

(Special 2 for 1)

Sign up today and get 2 months membership for the price of 1!

(Membership will auto-renew 60 days later at the regular $47/Month.)

(2 months free!)

Enjoy 12 months of membership for just $470/year— giving you 2 months free!


(Renew for the same, excellent discounted price each year!)

All memberships auto-renew and have ultimate flexibility to be changed or cancelled anytime. Review Purchase Agreement

What Women Say About Barbara

Mama Gena

"Barbara Huson is the bomb, the deal, and the holy grail of financial sanity and security for women. 

Her work has transformed my relationship with money and my ideas around wealth. By working with her I know where my money is, what it’s being spent on, what I’m investing in, and how to make decisions from a place of knowledge. The fear I used to carry about money has completely shifted. That’s a really, really, really big deal…and she can do the same for you."


"If it has Barbara Huson’s name on it, just invest in it, don’t question it.

It will be the best decision you ever made to change your relationship with money. Barbara’s work has shifted my mindset, removed blocks from my money path, and working together with her, challenged me to step out of hiding and into the light of who I really am."


Do you want to make smarter financial decisions?

Belonging to my community may be exactly what you need to take control of your financial and personal life, be held accountable, process emotions, and become the powerful woman you were born to be.

Are you ready to thrive?

The #1 reason women don’t invest is lack of confidence. Women in The Wealth Connection are doing the deeper work, getting the support, shifting their beliefs, processing their emotions, and as a result, turning into Savvy Confident Wealth Builders.

I'm excited to help you achieve your positive transformation!

  • Wealth Coaching
  • Financial Therapy
  • Group Support
  • Expert Advice
  • Financial Education
Become a wealth builder today!


It's a big step to commit to putting your financial well-being first!  We're happy to answer any questions or concerns you have about The Wealth Connection.