Learn my radically different, extremely powerful, yet simple, approach to Rewire your Brain for Wealth + Well-Being...and really whatever else you want!

Join my FREE, 5-day,
Rewire for Wealth Challenge


5 days. 3 simple challenges.
Everything You Need to Rewire for Wealth.

Beginning Monday, August 5th, I’m leading a free, 5-day, Rewire for Wealth Challenge where I’ll personally lead you through my cutting-edge, powerful, yet simple, three-step approach for breaking through your blocks to wealth, wellbeing, and really, whatever you want. 

The emphasis is not on changing your behavior but on changing the cause of those behaviors—your brain’s wiring. 

Using these 3 simple steps you’ll eliminate unwanted habitual behaviors and expedite the learning process until wealth building becomes your default mode.

What’s even better—we’ll be doing this together in a community of other supportive women, within a private Facebook group, all on the same path!

I’ve spent the last several decades coaching, teaching, and writing six books on Women, Wealth and Power. This challenge was inspired by my most recent book, Rewire for Wealth.

The steps are simple, but not easy. I guarantee, however, as you understand how to train your mind to rewire your brain, you’ll realize how much power you have to create the life you're longing for.

How does the challenge work?

Daily Challenge Email

Each day beginning August 5th, you'll get an email in your inbox from me with a simple challenge prompt for the day. The day's challenge is simple and do-able, and follows my Rewire for Wealth framework. By participating, you will actively begin reprogramming your brain for wealth...or whatever you want.

Private Facebook Group

Where the action happens. Everyone that joins the challenge will be invited to join our private, Rewire for Wealth Challenge Facebook group where we'll be posting each of the daily challenges, encouraging interaction, and supporting one another in our progress.

Final Live Q&A Zoom Session August 9, 2024!

On the final day of the challenge, I'll be doing a Live Q&A call via Zoom at (time). I'll recap the steps, take your questions AND, if you attend live, you'll be in the drawing for a very special prize.

Count Me In!

Women who've worked with Barbara...

"Barbara Huson is an absolute rockstar. Her course, 'Overcoming Underearning', helped me change my spending habits and pay off over $20,000 in credit card debt. I cannot thank her enough!"

- KATE NORTHRUP, Author of 'Money: A Love Story'

Barbara Huson is the bomb, the real deal, and the holy grail of financial sanity and security for women. Her work has transformed my relationship with money and my ideas around wealth. The fear I used to carry about money has completely shifted. That’s a really, really, really big deal…and she can do the same for you. 

- REGENA THOMASHAUER, aka Momma Gena, teacher, best-selling author, and founder and CEO of the School of Womanly Arts

If it has Barbara Huson’s name on it, just invest in it, don’t question it. It will be the best decision you ever made to change your relationship with money. Barbara’s work has shifted my mindset, removed blocks from my money path, and working together with her, challenged me to step our of hiding and into the light of who I really am.


Ready for the 
Rewire for Wealth Challenge?

I can't wait to help you discover what's been keeping you from everything you want.


Your info is safe with me—I'll never share your email.

Who's behind this challenge?

For over 20 years, Barbara Huson (formerly Stanny) has been empowering women to take charge of their money and in turn, take charge of their life. She is the author of six acclaimed financial books and offers life-changing wealth coaching. You can learn more about Barbara at Barbara-Huson.com.